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Yea, I get it. Sometimes Bible study can feel a little boring and hum-drum. It feels like you’re just checking off yet another task on that never-ending to-do list. Hopefully this little handful tips and tricks will help you make everything come alive again. At the end, you will find some links to other blog posts that will give you more inspiration to dig into God’s Word.
Do you ever find yourself dreading to take notes from your Bible study? It’s always the same black pen, the same notebook, the same margins...the list goes on and on. To solve that issue, find some cute, colorful highlighters and pens. You can use them to color code your studies; find an important concept? Use yellow. Got a passage chock full of doctrine? Use blue or purple. The options are endless!
Let’s say you don’t have enough room in the margins of your Bible for notes. Let’s also say you’re feeling too lazy to to try and find that notebook that continuously goes missing when you need it. Fear not; that’s where printer paper comes in. Tons of Bible Youtubers have recently talked about using tip-ins in your Bible to make room for notes and creative moments. Most people use stock paper, but if you’re low on time or funds, printer paper works just as good. Simply cut the paper down to size, write your notes on it, get creative, and place it into your Bible.
Write your prayers into your Bible. If you have a Bible that has ample margin room, it is amazing how much your study time will brighten up by adding your prayers. Spice it up by using washi tape or drawing little designs around the prayer.
Add little things to make your Bible look cute. Bible tabs, bookmarks, and simple decorations will help motivate you to get back into the Word. Who wouldn’t want to read a cute Bible? In fact, a friend of mine was kind enough to allow me to spread the word about her Etsy; she writes Bible studies and sells handmade bookmarks and charms to put into your Bible. They are a beautiful addition to your study sessions, and you’re guaranteed to fall in love with God’s Word all over again.
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When it comes to the actual studying of the Bible, it doesn’t have to be boring. It doesn’t have to be “just another thing to check off”. Here are a few tips on how to spice up the study session.
COLOR CODE. As mentioned earlier, color coding is so much fun, and it will help you keep your studies organized. What you’re studying will flow so much easier, and at the end of the day, it looks really nice. But please remember that what you are studying is more important than what your Bible looks like.
THEME YOUR STUDIES. Instead of flipping around to find a verse to study, choose a theme or topic. Look up that topic on the internet and find all the verses that have to do with it. Write them down, and spend each day studying each of those verses or passages. You’ll be surprised at what you’ll find.
VERSE MAP. Verse mapping is so much fun. It really helps you get into the meat of the text. Choose a verse that stands out to you in your reading, write it out in a notebook, and investigate. You can do word studies, character studies, and so much more with verse mapping.
INDUCTIVE STUDY. If you really want to get into the “meat and potatoes” of God’s Word, the inductive study method is for you. You’re pulling the text apart word by word, letter by letter, piece by piece in order to find out what God is saying. The neat thing is, you can do this method on the same passage every day and still find something new. The inductive method is super helpful if you’re studying entire books; you’ll also find that pastors enjoy this method.
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To find more inspiration to study your Bible, check out these two posts.