Sometimes we go through the motions when it comes to worship. We wake up at so-and-so time, drive up to the church, sing the songs, listen to the message, then go home and have chicken dinner with the family.
But I’ve got good news for you; it doesn’t have to be that way. We can make the most out of our worship. Our God loves true, wholehearted worship. He longs for us to be creative, whether it’s in our quiet times or in corporate worship with other believers.
If you desire to get more out of your worship experience, read ahead!

Have you ever walked out of church and overheard someone say, “I did not like worship today. The songs were too slow, the sermon was way too long, and the baby behind me would not be quiet”? It’s an all-too familiar (and unfortunate) scenario. The proper response would be, “Well, it’s a good thing worship isn’t all about you.”
The first tip in getting the most out of worship is getting out of selfish motives. Worship is all about glorifying God. It’s never about the singers, the pastor, the deacons, or the baby behind you. Sure, God may use those people in ministry, but it’s not ultimately about them. Can the deacons save your soul? Does the pastor offer redemption and grace? My Bible says they can’t. So, consider your heart when you walk through the church doors; is it focused on God?
My second tip is to just let go and get creative. Like I mentioned earlier, God loves a creative heart when it is centered on Him. I know of a young lady who brings supplies with her to church and does Bible journaling during the sermon. Some people like to take notes, draw pictures, and even write out prayers that help immerse them in the worship experience. Make sure you stay tuned at the end of this blog post to find a free printable sermon notes page.
When taking sermon notes, listen for themes, application, and eternal truths. Don’t get caught up in theological debates unless it’s really out of line with Scripture. See my post on choosing a biblical church for more on correct doctrine.
The third tip to think about is to prepare your heart even before worship begins. Pray and ask God to show up in the midst of the service. Pray for those in your church who are in need or are going through a battle. Thirdly, pray that your pastor says nothing too much or too little to minister to those under the sound of their voice. Most importantly, pray that souls are saved and that prodigal believers return to Jesus.
Is there anything you do that enhances how you worship? Feel free to share!
Don't forget to download your free printable sermon notes page. Print off as many as you'd like and share with your loved ones. Featured on the sermon notes page: date section, reference section, large note section, and a summary section.