“For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ”
1 Corinthians 3:11 (KJV)
Looking for a good, solid church can be overwhelming. There are so many denominations, teachings, doctrines, and a plethora of other things. But there are a few biblical guidelines that you can consider.
Remember, every church is perfect until we step through those doors. Thank God for grace.
The first thing to think about when looking for a church is correct doctrine. The focal verse at the beginning of this post is what every church needs to believe. Christ is the foundation. Christ is the Son of God. Christ is the head of all things. If the church is not Christ-centered, it would be very dangerous to be there.
You also need to ask yourself, are they preaching from the Bible? Watch the pastor. If he does not open a Bible (even if the Scripture is on a screen too), be wary. Everything that church does needs to be Bible-centered too. Every doctrine, every teaching, and every bylaw needs to be under the conviction of the Holy Bible.
Tip: Bring your own Bible to church, too. Read behind your pastor to make sure he’s under correct, biblical doctrine.
It would also be beneficial to just sit back and observe. If you’re a newer Christian, this might be a challenge, but observe and see if everything that church is doing is ultimately glorifying God. If they start to put man on a pedestal and praising themselves, that’s a red flat. It’s okay to be proud of your work in the church, but make sure you’re doing it for God and not to please man or yourself. If it’s adding to the kingdom of God, those are the right kind of people.
The last thing to think about is more of a principle, not just a tip or suggestion. The church is not the building. It’s the people who make it up. It’s the believers who gather there every week for worship. If they gather in a small warehouse on the outskirts of town, it’s still church. If it’s in a great cathedral in the center of town, it’s still church. In Paul’s day, they worshiped in their own homes. It all boils down to glorifying the Creator, not the created.
Do you have any ideas or tips on what marks a godly church? Feel free to share!