First of all, I'd like to apologize for not being active on the blog as promised. Secondly, this post is going to explain why I have not been active, and why I may not be for a while.
I'll be taking a break from blogging and writing. I need to figure out a few things, including how to reach an audience with no budget whatsoever, and how to get interaction. I cannot run a blog or be a successful author/content creator without the support of the online community. Unless I happen to make a billion bucks overnight, I cannot afford to "get my name out there". I cannot afford to publish traditionally or buy a domain.
With that being said, until I can figure those things out, no blog posts will be going up. I may post on Instagram, depending on my level of inspiration, but the blog will be stopped for now.
I recently made an announcement that I'd be publishing my third book mid-December, but again, due to the lack of feedback, support, and time, that date will have to be pushed up.
I'm not angry by any means, but I'm sorely disappointed. When you pour your heart into something you're passionate about, and you're met with cricket chirps, it's extremely discouraging. I'm simply putting my foot down and voicing my frustrations.
Now, here's where I'd like for absolutely anyone to step in and/or chime in (nicely). If anybody would be willing to manually/word-of-mouth get my blog out there, feel free to do so. I don't have the means to advertise traditionally, so I am relying solely on absolutely any random person that sees this until I'm able to get my grounds. If you can link any of my posts that you enjoy to your social media, that would help a lot. If you have friends or loved ones who would enjoy my work, send 'em my way. I need to build that audience and I can't do that without your help. It takes less than 30 seconds to do so, and that effort would really push things forward for me. Help me encourage interaction through comments and shares! Google and Facebook algorithms look for things like that, and that's what helps people get on their radar.
If you are willing to help me, please feel free to send me a message and we can work something out.
God bless.