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Writer's picturePatricia Price

Lessons I've Learned In Music Ministry

Ever since I was a little girl, God gave me a big dream that finally came to fruition a few years ago. I began to serve the Lord in music ministry, and while it has its rewards, it also has a lot of lessons. These lessons will be helpful, especially for those of you who are being called into music ministry, but hopefully,

they’ll be beneficial to anyone seeking to serve God no matter your calling.

1) Worship through music should never be a form of entertainment or performance. Everything we do ought to be centered around God. It is Him we are glorifying; not ourselves.

2) It doesn’t happen overnight. Music ministry is a process and it can’t be put together in a few minutes. The majority of people that I know in this ministry spend the entire week practicing and praying over what songs God would want them to do in the next service.

3) It has to be taken seriously. Preaching the Gospel in song is just as serious as when the man of God gets up behind the pulpit to handle the Bible. Someone’s eternity is on the line, and it’s critical that we rely on the Spirit to lead us and may we never get distracted.

4) Mix it up. One of the biggest challenges in the local church today is the skirmish over what kind of music is to be sung or played. The book of Colossians (and even the book of Psalms) instructs us on the type of music that is to be in our worship settings. The church that I personally attend supports the idea of keeping it fresh, whether it be with the hymns rich in theology and doctrine or the newer worship choruses and contemporary tunes.

5) Surrender everything to God. Even in music ministry, you’ll find people who haven’t completely surrendered to God. It’s not that they aren’t saved; they’re just bogged down by the cares and worries of this life that they aren’t focused on what matters. It’s often reflected in the way they lead worship. It’s a challenge to sing “I Surrender All” and reflecting on whether or not you truly have.

6) Worship becomes a lifestyle. For every believer, worship should be a lifestyle, but even more so when you’re in music ministry. You’ll often find yourself humming a hymn or being on a constant search for new songs to practice. The desire for worship becomes so strong that you can’t help but keep a song in your heart.

Are you a worship leader? Do you have any tips or lessons you’d like to share with someone who wants to go into it? Feel free to share!

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