Not too long ago, a little boy at our church warmed my heart. His mother made a post on Facebook that he had seen a broken heart emoji on an article displaying a picture of a missing dog. His response to his mother was, “Now my heart is broken”. Upon asking why his heart was broken, he answered, “Because there’s a missing dog. But Jesus can find him. Jesus can find anything.”
I cannot express to you how hard that hit me. It reminds me of the parable in Matthew 8 where Jesus expounds on the shepherd who went out of his own way to leave 99 sheep to find the one that got lost. I’m sure that the shepherd’s heart was broken when he found out that he lost a sheep, but what a rejoicing there was when it was found. I’m not sure if that missing dog was ever found, but I can guarantee that the faith of this dear little boy moved the heart of God.
“Jesus can find anything” is a powerful statement that takes an incredible amount of faith. We are commanded to display child-like faith, and I believe that children themselves can teach us how to do that. Their very hearts are open to what God wants to teach each of us.
Are you lost? Do you feel like you’ve lost your way in the midst of a busy life? Remember that Jesus can find anything. Remember the words of a sweet little boy whose heart was broken over the missing dog. The heart of Christ is broken when ours breaks too. He feels and knows every reason we cry. He feels and knows the pains we suffer, whether physical or emotional.
I would dare say not many of us as adults could have that same kind of faith. Can we say that Jesus can find us? Can we say that our hearts break for the unfortunate events that take place around the world? I pray that we can. Because that is what child-like faith requires.