In a day and age where the things of God are left on the back-burner, we as believers need to do inventory on our lives. One of the most important aspects of our Christian walk is reading and studying God’s Word. Even in the most busy seasons of our lives, we have to stay in tune with what God is telling us through His Word so that we can live the best that we can for Him. So, ask yourself, how important is God’s Word to you? There are six questions to ponder. I suggest writing them down and doing some serious praying about it. If you feel the Holy Spirit convicting you in any of these areas, deal with it immediately.
1) Is it a daily priority?
2) Do I actively make the Lord a part of my life?
3) Do I delight in prayer and Bible study?
4) Do I choose His path?
5) Am I aware of Him, even in nature?
6) Do I seek godly companionship and counsel?
Here is some practical and biblical advice on making sure that God’s Word becomes a priority.
Schedule out a time during your day to read and study. It can be first thing in the morning (recommended), during your lunch hour, or last thing before bed. It doesn’t matter when; it matters that you’re reading your Bible.
Take God wherever you go. Pray for the people you pass at the store. Listen to Christian music on the radio.
Don’t make prayer and Bible study just another spot to check off of your to-do list. Delight in it. You have the privilege to go directly to God. Think to yourself, “I don’t HAVE to do this. I GET to do this.” Make it exciting and motivating for you.
Always choose God’s path. His way might be small and narrow, but the Bible says that path leads to life. Whether it’s a big decision you have to make or if you’re irritated that you have to wake up early for church every week, choose God. Choose life.
Be aware of God’s presence in everything and everywhere. He’s there on the drive to the office. He’s there on your hike through the woods. He’s there at 1am when you’re trying to sort through bills. He’s there at the hospital when the doctor gives you bad news. Through it all, He is and will be there.
Find where you belong in your church or worship community. Consider your talents. Are you musically inclined? Do you enjoy working with technology? Kids? There is something to do for everyone in the local church. That’s where you will find your godly counsel and good Christian friends.
Perhaps the reason God’s Word isn’t important to you is because you don’t have a relationship with Him yet. Please consider the best decision you will ever make. If you’d like more information on salvation, go to the top of this page and find the tab entitled How To Be Saved. Contact me if you’ve made this decision!