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Writer's picturePatricia Price


Welcome to Advent 2023 here on Living Hope.

Leading up to Christmas, we are going to be taking a look at four biblical themes that point toward Jesus. This week, we will be looking at hope. What does hope look like? How can we have hope? Read more!

I recently heard a sermon that struck me as something all of us need to hear at some point in our lives. It’s the idea of hope. Hope, as believers, should not be mundane. Having hope isn’t something to check off of our to-do list; “Boy I hope things come through for me today” or “I sure hope God is listening”. That is not the kind of hope God is drawing us to.

In the book of Isaiah, there is a passage of Scripture that we ought to pay attention to. The prophet, obviously Isaiah, gives the ancient Israelites a beautiful picture of hope. Read what he says:

Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. - Isaiah 7:14 (KJV)

In the aforementioned sermon, the pastor really honed in on what it means to have hope. He described in great detail what it looks like to display a heart of hope.

1) A hopeful believer OBEYS the command and call of God.

2) A hopeful believer ENDURES the challenges of life.

3) A hopeful believer has a strong consolation.

4) A hopeful believer is used by God to change things.

The pastor then explained why Abraham was the perfect example of these things, however, I have a different person in mind. In Isaiah’s prophecy, he speaks of someone who also fits all four of those descriptions; Mary.

Mary OBEYED. She said yes to God’s plan.

Mary ENDURED the challenges of life with an eternal perspective in mind.

Mary had a strong consolation; see Luke 1:46-55.

Mary was ultimately used by God to change things, not just in her own life but for the lives of millions for generations to come.

Isaiah knew that Israel needed hope. God inspired Isaiah to pen those words with the goal of giving Israel something to look forward to. At that time, things looked really bleak. There were wars, the unfaithful and ungodly were running rampant, and the temple was all but empty and desolate.

But nearly 700 years later, hope was born. It didn’t come in a great palace or royal robes. It came in a humble manger by the obedience of Mary.

What does hope look like for you? What can it look like this Christmas season? I challenge you to pray over it and see the Father do great and mighty things in your life.

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